
Sehr geehrter Herr Stahler

Gerne möchte ich mich als Mieter für die 1.5-Zimmer Panorama-Wohnung (T03W03/04) an der Badenerstrasse 415 im Schlotterbeck bewerben.

Durch meinen aktuellen Arbeitgeber (Hinderling Volkart AG) bin ich auf die Ausschreibung gestossen, welche mich sofort begeistert hat. Ich bin bereit einen Mietvertrag ohne Besichtigung zu unterzeichnen.

Momentan wohne ich an der Engelstrasse 7 in einer 2.5-Zimmerwohnung mit einem Mietzins von 1’880.–. Ich habe bemerkt das ich die Grösse nicht benötige und suche nach einer kompakteren und preiswerteren Wohnung – Bestenfalls per September im Schlotterbeck.

Gerne stehe ich für weitere Fragen oder Referenzen zur Verfügung und freue mich auf Ihre Antwort mit der Hoffnung auf eine positive Entscheidung.

Freundlichen Grüsse
Michel Luarasi


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Heading One

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* This is a small Footnote. Combined With A Link it would look like this.

Heading Two

Malorum iudicabit et mea, usu ut malorum propriae antiopam. Velit efficiendi eam ut, solum habemus contentiones vix cu, mel in mundi equidem.

Heading Three

Malorum iudicabit et mea, usu ut malorum propriae antiopam. Velit efficiendi eam ut, solum habemus contentiones vix cu, mel in mundi equidem.

Heading Four

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«The best camera is the one that’s with you!»Somebody famous



Congue eruditi pericula vel in, vis congue aperiam in:

  1. Eum no eirmod sensibus accusamus.

  2. Periculis efficiendi eam.

  3. Modus tamquam ancillae nam ne, usu fierent indoctum ne.


Congue eruditi pericula vel in, vis congue aperiam in:

  • Eum no eirmod sensibus accusamus.

  • Periculis efficiendi eam.

  • Shoot Manual for iPhone.



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UI Elements


Congue eruditi pericula vel in, vis congue aperiam in.




Congue eruditi pericula vel in, vis congue aperiam in.


Heading Four

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Malorum iudicabit et mea, usu ut malorum propriae antiopam. Velit efficiendi eam ut, solum habemus contentiones vix cu, mel in mundi equidem.


Malorum iudicabit et mea, usu ut malorum propriae antiopam. Velit efficiendi eam ut, solum habemus contentiones vix cu, mel in mundi equidem.

Airbnb Guidebook

This is your guidebook. Here you can find instructions and infromations for your stay at the apartment as well as personal reccommendations and tips for a great trip in Zurich.



Limmatstrasse 217, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland

From the Airport

Take a train to Zurich Mainstation (“Zurich HB”). There are several, but the best ones are S2, S16 or S24. Google Maps Directions

From Zurich Mainstation

Hop on the tram 4, 13 or 17 and exit at “Quellenstrasse”. Then walk 100m further towards the apartment. Google Maps Directions

How to get in

  1. The main entrance into the building is located at the front street.

  2. If you ring at the doorbell below my name, then the front-door should unlock automatically between 8am to 6pm.

  3. The lockbox code is: 0-2-1-7

  4. Take the key out and put the lockbox back into the mailbox

  5. The entry into the apartement is on the first floor and it’s the first door from the right.

Internet & WiFi

You can access Internet over WiFi or LAN (at the office) as long as you don’t download or consume any unlawful content:

Network: Michel’s Guest
Password: Airbnb1234


If you have problems connecting, then please try to restart the modem. The modem is located below the TV. Switch it off, wait 5s and then turn it back on. If there’s still an issue, do not hesitate to contact me.

City Bike

This bicycle is available for you to drive around in Zurich. Please always lock the bike. If it gets stolen, you have to pay a CHF 150 fee. Don’t get scared bit this because Zurich is pretty safe, if you lock the bike it should be fine.

Bike Lock

The code is: 0-2-1-7


The bike is in the courtyard. It should be parked in bicycle rack, but there is limited place. If there is no place free in the rack just place it near a wall and keep the entraces free.

Washer & Dryer

If you stay longer than a week it makes sense to use the shared washing machine and dryer. The washroom is located in the basement.

Attention: There are two Washrooms. Use the one wich at the end of the corridor because the “Red-Key” (read below) only works in that room.

Schedule: There is no laundry schedule. Go ahead if it’s free and come back later if the machines are being used.

Red Key

In order for the machine to run, you have to turn on the power using the red key (as shown in the image). The key should be located in the kitchen.

Laundry Rack

To dry your clothes use the laundry rack loacted in the bedroom next to the closet. Place it inside the bathtub, it’s a good place to let it dry .

Iron & Board

You can find them in the bedroom next to the closet and inside the closet.

Other Things To Note


You can use the portable bluetooth speaker. Search for a “BeoPlay A2” bluetooth connection on your mobile phone. When leaving, please connect it to the power.

First Aid Kit

It’s located in the bathroom. To make sure that the next guest have all contents available, please update me if you did use anything from the kit.

Hav a nice stay!

Müllerstrasse 70

Sehr geehrte Frau Blumenhofen

Gerne möchten wir uns als nächste Mieter für die 3-Zimmerwohnung an der Müllerstrasse 70 bewerben.

Die Ausschreibung hat uns sofort begeistert und die Besichtigung hat den positiven Eindruck sogar übertroffen.

Wir sind ein junges Paar, welches seit vier Jahren den Weg zusammen geht. Beruflich sind wir beide sehr engagiert. Während Michel als erfolgreicher Art Director bei Hinderling Volkart tätig ist, wirkt Martina aktuell noch im Teilzeitpensum als Process & Risk Specialist bei der UBS, während sie den Bachelor in Kommunikation diesen Sommer absolviert.

Zusammen möchten wir nun einen neuen Lebensabschnitt beschreiten, bestenfalls per 1. Feburar an der Müllerstrasse 80.

Gerne stehen wir für weitere Fragen oder Referenzen zur Verfügung und freuen und auf Ihre Antwort und mit der Hoffnung auf eine positive Entscheidung.

Freundlichen Grüsse
Martina Azzan & Michel Luarasi


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Vielen Dank!

Goodbye Station

Sometimes we have to change our path. Whether you move out of parents home, break off a relationship or switch the job, it’s always good as long as you grow. After 4 years it is now time for me to move on.

Station, Inc. picked me up as an absolute greenhorn. I had no clue how an agency works and far less how my daily grind would look like. Now I leave as a Pro, a young man with the spotlight of recruiters on my head, one who can realise big scale projects and take the full responsibility for valuable brands.

«Why are You leaving?» No single colleague asked me this question. I think that’s a good sign, I think they all knew. There were so many reasons to stay. I will miss the rumor talks with OZ, Mr. Stoll’s theories, laughing with Florence, having lunch at the river with Thomas, playing pool with Dennis and all other little things that have kept me there for so long.

But the truth is, I’ve stopped evolving, on the contrary I was getting comfortable with the familiar and the routines. As a result, my work didn’t satisfy me anymore and at some point I realised, that I had to break out of my comfort zone to move on in life.

The decision is made, and I’m happy to announce that I will join the very talented folks at Hinderling Volkart with the beginning of December. I think this is going to be a successful time, a different time.

I am very grateful for all experiences I gained with the team. As you can see there were many…

Bye Alisha, Shalom Annina, Cheers Beda, Take care Carmela, All the best Connie, Adios David, Ciao Debbie, See you soon Dennis, Adieu Fabienne, God bless you Florence, Goodluck Ismael, Salut Karin, Dream on Laura, Keep smiling Luisa, Sayonara Mike, See you around Miro, Hasta la vista OZ, Some other time Paula, Have fun Patman, Thank You Mr. Stoll, Farewell Simon, Keep it up Thomas …

… Goodbye Station!


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Röntgenstrasse 6

Gerne möchte ich mich als Ihr nächster Mieter für die 3-Zimmerwohnung an der Röntgenstrasse 6 bewerben.

Momentan wohne ich als alleiniger Mieter in einer 2-Zimmer-Wohnung am anderen Ende der Röntgenstrasse und bin auf der Suche nach etwas Grösserem. Da ich das Quartier Liebe und auch an der Förrlibuckstrasse im Kreis 5 arbeite, hat mich das Inserat sofort angesprochen.

Die Besichtigung hat meinen positiven Eindruck des Wohnungs-Inserats verstärkt.

Ich freue mich auf Ihre Antwort und hoffe auf eine positive Entscheidung.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Michel Luarasi

Osiris Luisa

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam.

At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor.




Nikon D7000
